Pricing + Services


Monthly Consultation

$100/month - Lynn will conduct two (2) one-half hour consultations or one (1) one-hour session with the representative(s) of your organization’s choice.

During these meetings we will:

  • discuss your organization’s development needs, priorities and goals

  • identify organizational strengths and challenges

  • determine specific actions and assign responsibilities to accomplish goals

  • the firm is prepared to assist you with:

    - annual appeal timelines and strategies

    -major donor stewardship and engagement

    -major donor prospect identification, cultivation and strategies of approach

    -determining best approaches for foundation grant opportunities

    -board and committee structure and board member engagement

    -special events calendar, types of events and how to utilize them to their fullest potential

    -specific needs, questions, brainstorming and an exchange of ideas bringing to bear our 30+ years of hands-on fundraising experience


Hourly Assignments

$50/hour - Lynn and Laura will assist with:

  • building organizationally oriented development and strategic plans

  • drafting a Case for Support - we will work with you to produce a final document that is approved by you and us

  • prepare first-draft annual appeal letters tailored to specific segments of your database including current, lapsed and prospective donors, major donors and board members

  • assist with drafting copy for special event materials; provide samples as required; review pieces including invitation, program, poster, etc. prior to final approval

  • identify, research, create a grants calendar and draft grant narratives; draft narratives for current grant opportunities; review grant narratives written by you

  • provide sample materials from our library as required including annual report and newsletter design

  • other projects as identified and required by you

Best Choice

$2,500 Annual Contract - Lynn and Laura will work with you on all services including:

  • phone consultations

  • hourly assignment services

as required by you for 12 months determined by start-date of our signed Agreement.