How Can We Afford to Do This?

Over the years, we have come to realize that in-person, one-on-one consulting becomes quite expensive given travel, accommodations and a consultant’s motivation to spend hours and days on the road wasting time waiting in airports, rental car agencies and hotels. By offering virtual consulting either via internet or telephone, which we have been doing successfully now for more than seven years, Terelle & Graham Consulting has succeeded in keeping expenses to an absolute minimum.

Prior to becoming consultants, Lynn and Laura both worked in the nonprofit sector, Lynn in cultural institutions, community centers, animal rescue and human service organizations, Laura in theatre and cultural organizations, so we understand the unique challenges not-for-profits face, raising funds being paramount among them.

We intend to bring our expertise to those who strive to meet the philanthropic needs of the world at a price that is affordable. Regardless of the size of your organization, whether you are a start-up or the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Terelle & Graham stands prepared to advise and assist with your fundraising needs and efforts with a one-on-one relationship to bring you the very best consulting experience possible.

What do you have to lose? The initial consultation is free - Call us to find out what Terelle & Graham Consulting can do for you!